Our doors are always open to welcome new patients who are ready to receive the best in dental care. With our array of dental services, it’s no surprise we are regularly expanding our family of patients. We are skilled at treating patients from all dental backgrounds and make every effort to ensure your appointment is as comfortable as possible. We provide superior care to get you onto the path of improved dental health.

Dr. Garrow was recently named as a Pittsburgh Magazine Top Dentist!
Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums.
It is important to have gum problems checked promptly, as gum disease left alone may eventually need treatment through surgery or extraction.
Professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist.
Crowns and bridges are used to restore and enhance teeth that are damaged or to take the place of missing teeth.
Depending on the cause, bad breath may strike on occasion or be a persistent condition.
X-rays are a focused beam of x-ray particles passed through bone which produce an image on special film, showing the structure through which it passed.
Sealants are used to fill narrow grooves in a tooth that cannot be adequately cleaned by brushing.
Root canal treatment (also referred to as root canal therapy or endodontic therapy) is made necessary when an untreated cavity reaches all the way to this pulp.
Bonding involves adhering composite resin material that is matched to the color of the tooth, to the front of the tooth.
A dental implant is an ideal tooth restoration for people who are missing one or more teeth as a result of injury, periodontal disease, or any other reason.
A filling helps prevent further decay by closing off any cracks or spaces where bacteria can enter.
Rather than sending your dental claim through the mail, it is sent electronically to your insurance company with the click of the button.
Custom designed mouthguards and nightguards are made of flexible plastic and molded to fit the shape of your teeth.
We use small cameras about the size of a pen, called intraoral cameras, to help clearly see the condition of your teeth and gums.
Tooth whitening is a popular procedure to make teeth whiter and brighter, and therefore more attractive.
This software is beneficial for patients who are considering cosmetic procedures but are not sure if they’re ready for dramatic changes.